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BednBlue Guarantee
En İyi Fiyat Garantisi
BednBlue'da tüm ilanların piyasadaki en düşük fiyattan sunulduğunu garanti ediyoruz.
Para İade Garantisi
Üzerinde anlaştığınız miktardan daha azını almadığınızdan emin olmak için, varış gününüze kadar rezervasyonun toplam tutarını listeye bağlıyoruz.
Listeleme Doğruluğu
BednBlue'daki tüm ilanların tam olarak göründükleri gibi olduğunu garanti ediyoruz. daha fazla öğren
Kişisel Asistan
Rezervasyon yaptığınız andan itibaren, bir BednBlue temsilcisi seyahatiniz hakkında her şeyi bilecek ve ihtiyaç duyduğunuz her an size yardımcı olmak için orada olacaktır.
Thank you for a great experience. The boat is in good condition and perfect for sailing! There are only a few small things that are broken, but do not affect the experience of the ride (the pump on the toilet leaks clean water during pumping, engine oil with water leaks into the storage compartments in the floor). During the 4 nights we slept in the bays and the water and electricity supply was ok. It is good to think of buying 2-4 bags of ice to keep the fridge cold, which is not switched on if going for a sail. The kitchen on the ship is well equipped, we did not lack any equipment. Before arrival the boat was spotlessly cleaned with linen and towels ready. Thank you!
Thank you for a great experience. The boat is in good condition and perfect for sailing! There are only a few small things that are broken, but do not affect the experience of the ride (the pump on the toilet leaks clean water during pumping, engine oil with water leaks into the storage compartments in the floor). During the 4 nights we slept in the bays and the water and electricity supply was ok. It is good to think of buying 2-4 bags of ice to keep the fridge cold, which is not switched on if going for a sail. The kitchen on the ship is well equipped, we did not lack any equipment. Before arrival the boat was spotlessly cleaned with linen and towels ready. Thank you!