BertrandKatıldım January 2024

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Benim hakkımda

Bertrand arrived from Belgium on his sailboat. While sailing through the Greek islands, he quickly felt the desire to settle down in this warm and sea-facing country. He lives in the islands, happy with this choice which brought him many other beautiful surprises. Fine technician, passionate, Bertrand is a sailor respecting the elements to better tame them. Bertrand likes to sail safely but does not disdain to face the whims of the wind with phlegm and determination. “I live in Aegina all year round, for me, sailing through the islands is a bit like walking in my garden and my friends from the islands are a bit like my neighbors… Passionate about authentic Greece, its traditions, its culture, I have always favored a balance between beautiful sailing and discovering places where the soul of a country or a region breathes… For me, the Aegean Sea is the paradise of navigation in the Mediterranean.

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