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BednBlue Guarantee
En İyi Fiyat Garantisi
BednBlue'da tüm ilanların piyasadaki en düşük fiyattan sunulduğunu garanti ediyoruz.
Para İade Garantisi
Üzerinde anlaştığınız miktardan daha azını almadığınızdan emin olmak için, varış gününüze kadar rezervasyonun toplam tutarını listeye bağlıyoruz.
Listeleme Doğruluğu
BednBlue'daki tüm ilanların tam olarak göründükleri gibi olduğunu garanti ediyoruz. daha fazla öğren
Kişisel Asistan
Rezervasyon yaptığınız andan itibaren, bir BednBlue temsilcisi seyahatiniz hakkında her şeyi bilecek ve ihtiyaç duyduğunuz her an size yardımcı olmak için orada olacaktır.
Fantastic. The boat gave us a perfect adventure. The first day at sea with 28 kts of wind we sailed by sail. In the afternoon we arrived to Jelsa - a beautiful harbour & city. While there in the early evening majestic ships arrived. Dinner on the pier within 5 meters of our boat. Next day the sea was quit as silk. We sailed along the Island and went into one of the many lagune for a swim & with the rubberboat in the water. It was like Jacque Coustau adventures.
The owner Sebastian is tense about his boat - that his guest will take good care of the boat. We fully understand.
We had a lifetime adventure out of Tûcepi, Croatia
Fantastic. The boat gave us a perfect adventure. The first day at sea with 28 kts of wind we sailed by sail. In the afternoon we arrived to Jelsa - a beautiful harbour & city. While there in the early evening majestic ships arrived. Dinner on the pier within 5 meters of our boat. Next day the sea was quit as silk. We sailed along the Island and went into one of the many lagune for a swim & with the rubberboat in the water. It was like Jacque Coustau adventures. The owner Sebastian is tense about his boat - that his guest will take good care of the boat. We fully understand. We had a lifetime adventure out of Tûcepi, Croatia